USCAP Membership Signup

USCAP Members: Login first to renew membership.

Join us today! Your membership benefits include:
  • Member discounts on live meetings in USCAP’s Interactive Center and Destination Courses
  • Special member pricing for eLearning courses – CME-Eligible remote learning
  • An online subscription to both of USCAP's journals - Modern Pathology and Laboratory Investigation*
  • Recognition and discounted pricing at our award-winning Annual Meeting
  • Leadership opportunities in strategy, outreach, communications, committees, course development, and more
  • Eligibility for the annual USCAP Honors, including The F. Stephen Vogel Award and The Ramzi S. Cotran Young Investigator Award
  • Complimentary membership in the International Academy of Pathology (IAP)
  • Access to USCAP’s Career Center and Job Board
  • Networking opportunities

If you would like to mail your application, please click here to print.

Membership Categories *

Regular Members are any physician, scientist or allied health professional who has completed nationally/internationally recognized training in anatomic, clinical, hematologic and/or molecular pathology, or in an equivalent/related field, as approved by the Board; must maintain status of good standing that includes up-to-date payment of dues. They are voting members who may participate on committees and in the official business of the Academy.

Retired Membership: Retired Members are individuals who meet the following criteria: Have been members in good standing of the IAP or/USCAP for a minimum of five (5) years and have retired from gainful employment in the practice of pathology. Retired Members are non-voting members. They may serve as advisors to committees. Please contact USCAP Membership at 760.327.6777 or if you qualify.

Trainee Members must be enrolled in a pathology or equivalent professional training program, recognized by the Academy, leading towards qualification for Regular Member status. They are voting members and can participate on committees and in the official business of the Academy.

Adjunct Members are either healthcare professionals who are not pathologists (such as those who work in laboratories or are in scientifically-related fields), or pathologists who reside in under-served countries as defined by the World Health Organization’s Hinari eligibility list.

Applicants for Adjunct Membership must provide the necessary information and fees. Adjunct Members are non-voting members and cannot participate on committees.

Enter Registration Code If Known:

Amount Due: $0.00